July 22, 2006

Unexplored Sweet

Nice to meet you after a long time. Where i was ? . I was busy with my sales guys to gather information about the current passion of cyber technology. Improved a lot but lack behind somewhere... We made a gr8 mistake. When we met the IT people, we have forced them to adapt Open Source. In Open Source Technical Support is more important. What they want is, backend support at their home country itself. Open Source allows you to modify / customize the code depends upon  your need unlike M$. So what we would have done is promise them to give proper backend support. People like Open Source but the fear factor is lack of backend support. However they already tasted M$ solutions and made that comfortable. Adapting new and advanced technology is better challenge for any one. Once they started to taste that then they will adapt the new technology. Here Open Source is missing a lot of Human Resources dedicated to give backend  support.